Is the U-ETDS System Postponed? When Will Be Active 22 August 2018
The U-ETDS app, which is scheduled to be launched on November 1, 2018, will be 2 January 2019 postponed to date.
In the U-ETDS application included in articles 40 / 3-4 of the Road Transport Regulation, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has changed. Accordingly, it has been decided to postpone the implementation of the uetds system to the postponement of 2 January 2019 instead of the start date of 1 November 2018. Thus, the UETDS system, which concerns the carrier companies A1, A2, B1, B2, D1 and D2, has been postponed.
will be active on January 02, 2019 Sign in to U-ETDS System with us here